
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Recipes on Pinterest

Greetings Snackers!

I'm just getting involved with Pinterest, a website where you can scrapbook ideas off the internet!  I'm building a Snackro pinterest, but in the mean time, check out this lovely veg blog I discovered!  I'm a sucker for real whole foods recipes and beautiful photography, and this one has both.  Check it out!


1 comment:

  1. I just discovered your blog. My brother and I (both in our early 20's) both have IBD and I'm intrigued by macrobiotics. I am slowly starting the learning process and plan to incorporate macrobiotics into my diet and eliminate these "diseases" out of my bro and my life for good!!!! Just want to say thank you for writing this blog and how do I subscribe to your blog? (I couldn't find your email or subscribe button so am leaving a comment...)

