
Friday, September 3, 2010


So after my kidney stone, I realized that my macrobiotic practice had become... *cough* unfocused, so to speak. I was basically living on rice cakes and nuts. And even Western doctors agree that nuts are a MAJOR cause of kidney stones. So take that with the fact that I drink no water, and you get a kidney stone.

I went to a local and highly venerated macrobiotic practitioner, who handed me so much literature that I literally went home and had a panic attack.

I will say, gentle readers, it's really frustrating to sit there and say, "My commute is 60-80 minutes each way. I'm 30 minutes from a good grocery store, and I work 2 jobs" and then receive instructions that say that you need to cook expensive food. I would literally have to wake up at 4 AM to get all this cooking done. It's a little insane. Four dishes for each meal? It's too much. That's why people hire macrobiotic chefs. It's just too much. And that's not even touching on the expense.

I find that the more time I spend surrounded by a positive environment (and close to a Whole Foods), the easier it is to live a macrobiotic lifestyle. I'm about to do a post on macrobiotics and music that really gets into this, but I'll preface it here. I think that when we're in a gentle and slow-paced physical environment, eating gentle foods is sensible. You don't see farmers eating a lot of truffle-infused pan-seared sea scallops soaked in butter from a cow from another continent. So I'm going to the Renaissance Faire.

My goals for this week are to address emotions and eating because I'm going to a panel on it next week. I'm also trying to do Grain/Green Vegetable/ Root Vegetable for each meal and to not read while eating. I have a cold (thanks, Cipro, Zofran, and Dilaudid. No, really.) so I'm trying to just keep things moving.

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