
Friday, May 4, 2012

Make Your Own Reality (Then Make Waffles)

At the Kushi Institute, I met a great guy named Amin who knows that we create the reality we live in.  Our minds are massively powerful.

"I don't have a job."  I complained.
"If you think you do not have a job, you do not have a job," said Amin.
"So you're saying, if I just say to myself, 'I have a job,' the phone will just RING, and I'll get a job?"  I asked.
"Yes.  Exactly."  Amin grinned.  I went back to burning my hands on flaming polenta, pretty sure that he was nuts.

That weekend, I decided to give it a try.  As a recessionista who has filled out thirty applications to the sound of silence, I had no faith.  But I tried anyways.  I sat still for a minute, and I really thought about it.

"I may not have always had everything I wanted, but I've always had everything I needed."  As I meditated, the truth began to come into focus.  I remembered that time I flew to Boston with no job, no prospects, and the phone rang while I was in the air.  By the time my plane landed, I had an interview and a job.

I remembered the time I moved back to Nashville completely depressed because I was broke, lonely, and disappointed.  I saw a tiny sign in a window, and ended up with the most supportive job I've ever had within one week.

I smiled, and knew that I would have a job.  When an email popped up in my inbox that afternoon asking me if I was free to work, I laughed and imagined the look on Amin's face when I told him.

Then I got three MORE job offers within 48 hours.  When you decide to create your own reality, all I can say is, get out of the way.

Why does Amin's theory work?  He says, "If you begin releasing energy attracting the things you want, they come to you."

It's true.  If you don't truly believe you're going to get the things you want, if you hope you can stay on the macrobiotic diet, if you want to be an actor or a singer but you aren't calling yourself a singer already, you're never going to get there.

You don't get in your car and start driving because you hope you'll get somewhere.  If you don't know where you're going, how can you get where you want to be?

Today, I'm doing a series of three posts:  Transform Your Heart, Transform Your Kitchen, Transform Your Health.  These are the biggest lessons I've learned at the Kushi Institute in the last four months, and I share them with a thankful and excited heart!

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